Hi doctor ! My hair fall is more day by & hair is not growing thick it’s become very thin can you please suggest any solution doctor


    my hair fall is more & it’s become very thin & not growing thick my age is 21 please suggest any solution

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      Hello Kannan, The hair fall may be due to different reasons such as diet , stress, environmental condition , uncontrolled any disease and DHT . The age of yours is 21 , so it seems to be tellogenic effilvum. We need to examine your hair , so that can be evaluated and can Prescribe accordingly.

      Dr. Krithika Sakthi Answered on July 22, 2024.
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      Hair Fall in Young Adults: Expert Advice on Telogen Effluvium by Dr. Krithika Sakthi

      Hair fall can be alarming, especially when it happens at a young age. Many young adults experience thinning hair or increased shedding, often leading to anxiety and frustration. One common cause is telogen effluvium, a condition where more hair than usual enters the resting phase of the hair growth cycle, resulting in noticeable hair loss.

      Dr. Krithika Sakthi, BDS, a Cosmetology Consultant from Hyderabad, shares insights into the causes of telogen effluvium and offers practical tips to manage and prevent further hair fall. Understanding the underlying factors is key to restoring healthier, stronger hair.