About Us
Health HOD is an innovative tech platform developed by Medical Professionals, further to years of stringent and extensive research among Doctors, with a keen eye on every detail to comprehensively understand their everyday requirements and extend technical support in the form of a rudimental online Platform that performs resourcefully as a Reliable Personalized Assistant. The Tech Platform developed with cutting-edge technology is designed to connect and create a network of medical fraternity from across the Globe; forming a resourceful ecosystem of Physicians supporting each other in combating the challenges faced, while staying modernized on the advanced technologies and resources available aid in making patients understand their illness and so they could make an informed decision and further aid in giving a comprehensive care to patient.
Digital technology and its effectual usage have made communications faster and instant, quashing geographical barriers and significantly supporting industries and businesses across segments to progress on an elevated scale of advancement for the better. We at Health HOD intend to put to use the best of this technology which is Complex in its architecture, making it fool-proof, while being Simplex and user-friendly to the patients and doctors , who happen to be the actual Users of the Platform.
Being a Team of dedicated Medical Professionals, we understand the requirements of patients, better than any others. We have put together our Practical and Professional experiences and have extensively researched on the factors and elements that deeply influence the ailments of patients. With meticulous consultations and with realistic implementations, we have now suitably developed a tool which essentially and exclusively works as an online Platform for patient connecting them on the digital ecosystem and capitalizing on the technology to provide them with unparalleled convenience for easy access to the service of doctors.
Health HOD will aspire to be the full-service Solution Provider to patients and Doctors, performing in apace as a Strong Digital Platform that will bridge all these gaps successfully between patient and doctor; record and transmit valuable information (Patient Data) securely, precisely and comprehensively across barriers, in-time and without hassle, making Quality Medical Diagnosis and treatment, accessible and available to every Mankind, when in need.
Health HOD is a Tech Platform developed with utmost perseverance and with knowledge contributions from medical professionals from across the country, making it the most ideal and comprehensive means to create a network and community of Medical Professionals, working together as a fraternity for sharing clinical knowledge in the treatment of the patients and successfully putting them to task for superior medical treatment.
- To Eliminate medical abuse to any patient- we strive to ensure patient see a right doctor or doctors as per need, never ever been treated by wrong physician or wrong methods
- To establish a minimal standard of care to all medical conditions and strive eliminate medical errors that happens to patients
- To implement a foolproof Technology that establishes a hassle-free environment for the all those deserved medical care
- To Transform Patient Management from being reactive to proactive; enhancing confidence among the Doctors and the Patients uniformly
- To Effectively utilize Technology in support of upgrading and elevating Medical Treatment and Healthcare
- To make a patient CEO of their own health, by aiding them making completely informed decision with our platform and doctors
- We are the Tech Platform with a patient-centric approach driving technology to patient-friendly results.
- We aim at achieving Excellence and Brilliance in modernized Patient Management
- We will safeguard and support patient’s interests in all spheres (Professional, Personal and Social)
- We will work towards establishing the right connects of patients to our concurring Medical Professionals to deliver comprehensive care with precise diagnostics and cure.