Jul 26 th, 2024

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Mouth Ulcers Insights


Mouth ulcers, also known as canker sores, can be a painful and recurring issue for many individuals. Understanding the causes, treatments, and preventive measures can significantly help in managing this common condition. In this Q&A session, Dr krithika an experienced physician, will provide reliable answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about mouth ulcers. Whether you’re dealing with occasional sores or chronic issues, this information aims to offer clarity and relief.

1. What are the mouth ulcers?

Mouth ulcers are of various types.Mostly which is common in individuals are Recurrent apthous Stomatitis.


2.Why does mouth ulcers happen?

It happens due to stress, over heat produced in the body , vitamin b12 deficiency and low water intake.Bechets syndrome is due to age factor {20-30} years.


3.Can someone self treat mouth ulcers, if yes can you tell us how?

yes mouth ulcers are self treated. Since it causes burrining sensation in the affected areas. We can give an anesthetize gell to relive pain for meanwhile and treat the underlying cause.


4.Can mouth ulcers be a symptom of a more serious condition?

There are various types of mouth ulcers. The one which is a symptom of diabetius milletus is candidiasis . hepatic ulcers which comes as 100 s in oral mucosa are due to Hiv.Some ulcers are due to cancerious lesion mostly occurring in womens who intake areca nuts ,bettle leaves and keep it in the buccal mucosa.


5.How can we stop mouth ulcers recurring?

Mostly mouth ulcers are recurring , on reducing stress and during the menstrual times of women by taking vitamin and iron supplements. More in take of water reduces the reccuring ulcers.


6. When should someone see a doctor while having mouth ulcers?

Commonly it is advised to visit a doctor if a person is associated with underlying conditions such as diabetes , hepatitis, ulcers associated with fever, if the ulcers are not healed even after a week.


7. can some food habits helps in reducing mouth ulcers?

Diet can prevent the mouth ulcers mostly or Spicy and sour foods, Alcohol, very hot foods, chewing gums.


8. How long does mouth ulcers usually takes to heal?

If the ulcers normal reccurent apthous , then it will heal within a week. If the ulcers are still persiting and growing in size more than a week , need consult a doctor.


9.Can mouth ulcers happen in children , If yes, Should the care be different?

Usually kids may get the ulcers very commonly , it subsides on its own within a week or two. It may be due to spicy foods, viral, bacterial, fungal infections, allergic reaction to certain foods and autoimmuine condition. Children do have tendency to bite their lips , cheecks. Such conditions the ulcers may happen and it heals on its own.



The information provided in this Q&A session is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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