Today, I had a general health checkup, and my Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) level was 15.88.

    Today, I had a general health checkup, and my Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) level was 15.88. Should I take medication for this, or should I retest my thyroid levels? because i don’t have any symptoms of thyroid

    prasanthdravid Asked on July 16, 2024 in General Health.
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    2 Answer(s)

      A TSH value of 15.88 is very much higher than the upper limit of normal. Please recheck it again on fasting blood sample and if it is still high you need to consult a general physician or an endocrinologist for further management. Sometimes you may not pick up the less common symptoms of hypothyroidism or the symptoms may manifest little later. Your physician or endocrinologist will help you.

      Dr.Shama Answered on July 19, 2024.

      Thank you Doctor

      on July 19, 2024.
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        If TSH is elevated (> 10 miu/l ) with normal T4 in an asymptomatic patient, we consider severe subclinical hypothyroidism as probable diagnosis.
        In your case I would recommend you to retest TSH along with Anti TPO antibodies. If TSH > 10 in second report, treatment with levothyroxine supplementation is advised. If TPO is positive along with positive family history, chances of permanent hypothyroidism are high.
        Severe subclinical hypothyroidism if left untreated, can progress to overt hypothyroidism along with increase in heart attacks, heart failure, infertility, fatty liver and all cause mortality.

        Dr.Pavankumar Uppula Answered on July 19, 2024.

        Thank you Doctor

        on July 19, 2024.
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