What is the most effective treatment for my high blood pressure?

k. sakthivel Asked on December 9, 2024 in General Health.
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The most effective way to reduce bp naturally 1) salt restriction/reduction.if salt completely stopped for 6 months, ur bp automatically comes to normal. 2) increased water intake, 4 to 5 ltr perday, which help to excrete excess salt in body. N keeps body hydrated 3) weekly 2 to 3 times intake of beet root juice, which contains nitrates , that dialtes blood vessels n decrease bp.4) daily exercises helps to excrete excess sodium in sweat n also lot of co benefits.As soon as u r diagnosed with hypertension, start medicine immediately rather than trying with natural ways of reduction. Because vessel elasticity will be lost , which can't be regained again. After controlling with diet n medicine, we can slowly decrease medicine dose n remove permanently. If we take salt again, ur bp bounces back again. Bp, sugar, are the most common lifestyle disorders, that can reversed with diet.

Dr. prasanthkumar Answered on January 6, 2025.
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Effective Ways to Manage High Blood Pressure: Expert Tips from Dr. Prasanth Kumar

Managing high blood pressure (hypertension) is crucial for maintaining overall health and preventing long-term complications such as heart disease and stroke. If you’re wondering what the most effective treatments are for high blood pressure, you’re not alone. Many individuals struggle with finding the right approach to manage this condition.

In this blog, we share expert advice from Dr. Prasanth Kumar, a General Medicine specialist from Puttaparthi. Dr. Kumar offers practical, natural methods for reducing high blood pressure, alongside the importance of timely medical intervention. Whether you’re looking for lifestyle changes or medication tips, you’ll find helpful insights to manage hypertension effectively.

Read on as Dr. Kumar breaks down simple steps that can make a significant difference in controlling blood pressure.