What is the most effective treatment for my high blood pressure?
The most effective way to reduce bp naturally 1) salt restriction/reduction.if salt completely stopped for 6 months, ur bp automatically comes to normal. 2) increased water intake, 4 to 5 ltr perday, which help to excrete excess salt in body. N keeps body hydrated 3) weekly 2 to 3 times intake of beet root juice, which contains nitrates , that dialtes blood vessels n decrease bp.4) daily exercises helps to excrete excess sodium in sweat n also lot of co benefits.As soon as u r diagnosed with hypertension, start medicine immediately rather than trying with natural ways of reduction. Because vessel elasticity will be lost , which can't be regained again. After controlling with diet n medicine, we can slowly decrease medicine dose n remove permanently. If we take salt again, ur bp bounces back again. Bp, sugar, are the most common lifestyle disorders, that can reversed with diet.